Making gift guides this year has been so fun! I feel like I have found so many good items that you and your family would love. Now, I know I don't have kids but, I did put in a lot of research when it came to finding gifts for your kiddos and I feel like I found a lot of good items! The first graphic is more for babies and toddlers and the next 2 are for tweens so, more middle school aged kids.

Tweens are always hard to shop for but I suggest for girls, getting them starter kits. Whether it is some basic makeup items, a curling iron to start styling their hair, etc. Tween age is when girls start wanting to be mature so help them out by getting them some stuff that they can try! Above are some of my suggestions!

For tween guys, I suggest buying sporty items. At this age, a lot of guys get super into sports and super into sports they plan to play for awhile so you can never wrong with that!
