I am starting a new series today called 21 letters to myself! I turn 21 on the 14th of March and thought this series would be fun to do. My goal is to reflect on what I have learned in life so far but also to give advice to those of y'all who read these letters. I hope to be the big sister or friend you never have and offer advice through my experiences I have learned. Read the letter below!
Hey little Nat! Wow, 21 already! I remember when you were younger wishing these days would be here sooner. The days where you would be all grown up and flying on your own. Well, these days are here and let me tell you, they have been scarier than you thought they would be. You haven't navigated adulthood long but you have handled all that adulthood has thrown at you like a champ!
First off, you are living in a pandemic as an adult which has been pretty scary and at times rough but, through qaurantine you learned a lot about yourself! You have learned to go after your dreams and even though sometimes, they don't workout how you thought, you gave it your best effert and didnt let failure drag you down.
You have also experienced a lot of loss in adulthood so far. The loss of a loved one, the loss of a dream occupation, the loss of what you thought your future would look like. But, you know what? You gained a lot of trust. A lot of trust that God has a really good plan written for you and that if you follow him, you will succeed and do great things! You know what else you have learned? That it's okay to ask for help. When facing battles that are stronger than you can handle, its okay to ask for help!
So, adulthood may not have been what you thought it would be like so far. It is definitely not all rainbows and butterflies but Nat, I am SO proud of who you have become and who you are becoming. Little Nat, you would be so proud of the confident girl you are today so, don't grow up too fast because what I have learned is that you need to soak up every moment because life is going by quickly!